Publishing RSS feeds on a website has several benefits – keeping your visitors informed, adding content to support your search optimization and building partnerships with other internet publishers. Dreamweaver includes several server-based features designed to make it very simple to…
Tag Archive for Adobe
Dreamweaver Cinco de Mayo Project
by jayperetz • • 9 Comments
In class on Thursday May 5 we started building a PHP form for a simple application that allows a user to upload an image and order a custom Cinco de Mayo tshirt with the image on the front. Using the…
Dreamweaver Cinco de Mayo 2011
by jayperetz • • Comments Off
Lecture Outline Review quiz 3 Job postings Curriculum – topics for next 3 weeks PHP Feedback in Dreamweaver print_r(mixed $expression [, bool $return = false ]) – displays information about a variable in a way that’s readable by humans Dreamweaver…
Informational Resources for Dreamweaver CS 5.5
by jayperetz • • Comments Off
New CS5.5 Features Creative Suite 5.5 will be available in May. Get started learning about it here: HTML5 in Dreamweaver CS5.5 Dreamweaver CS5.5 supports Phonegap Multiscreen Authoring with Dreamweaver CS5.5 video tutorial Dreamweaver CS5.5 HTML5 W3C Validation Dreamweaver CS5.5 HTML5…
Dreamweaver CS5 Test Server Setup on SRJC Student Accounts
by jayperetz • • 5 Comments
Dreamweaver Test Servers Many of the features in Dreamweaver CS5 that we rely on in this class, such as Live View, require a properly set up test server. Several students seem to have recurring problems with their test server setup,…
Packaging widgets with the Adobe Widget Browser | Adobe Developer Connection
by jayperetz • • Comments Off
This tutorial is beyond the scope of our class, but I am posting it for the ambitious students who, after reviewing David Power’s tutorial on the Widget Browser are curious about what makes up an Adobe Dreamweaver Widget. In this…
SPRY Menu with Sitemap Includes | Scraping a Sitemap & Styling a Menu and Footer Navigation
by jayperetz • • 1 Comment
Website Navigation Navigation systems are central and vital to a website. Navigation needs to be highly efficient and intuitive for human visitors and search engine robots and adaptable for the productivity of the web designer. The approach I take…
Styling and inserting a Spry Menu Bar 2.0 widget | Adobe Developer Connection
by jayperetz • • Comments Off
Styling and inserting a Spry Menu Bar 2.0 widget | Adobe Developer Connection. This tutorial can be reviewed prior to or following our February 10 class. We will be extending/supplementing this tutorial on February 10 by using an extensible PHP…