SQL: Week 7 May 9 2011


This week we dive even deeper into using MySQL with PHP webpages – we will be building a full web application, following the tutorial in Chapter 15 of the textbook.    There are some great techniques we learn in how to meld SQL with PHP code and HTML.   There is alot of coding but it is a good exercise to follow along with the textbook.    The  source code is downloadable here if you really run into issues – it is straight from the textbook.  You will need to modify it for your account/password/database/schema.    Remember you need to run the create table statements from admin and that you cannot create a new database or user, so modifications to the code are required when following the exercises.

Here is a video tutorial I made about how to edit and upload a php file using Mac OSx and the Santa Rosa Junior College student server accounts.   The resolution is awful, but hopefully you will get the point if you need this help.

Assignments – Due May 19

  1. Read and do exercises in Chapter 15.
  2. Publish a working version of the wedding registry system to your website and email me with a link.     This assignment will not be graded as a project.
  3. Watch this presentation – Facebook is arguably the largest web application in the world with over 500 million user profiles 20% of web traffic.    All the information Facebook is stored in MySQL databases and accessed through PHP pages.    This presentation is two years old, but still a very interesting peek at how the architecture uses technologies and  techniques we’ve learned in this class to create an amazingly huge system.

2 comments for “SQL: Week 7 May 9 2011

  1. May 13, 2011 at 12:49 pm

    This project is going to take some serious work!!!

  2. May 16, 2011 at 7:34 am

    The exercise won’t be graded as a project do as much of the exercise as you want.

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