SQL – Structured Query Language

Section 5416 | CS 81.61 | 1.5 credits
March 28, 2011 – May 22,  2011
A Santa Rosa Junior College online class.

Check in to CATE system here first!

Check your grades here.

This class explores how to build information-driven systems using MySQL. Students will develop a working SQL database using MySQL Workbench. Database design and integrity, normalization and table structures, Data Definition and Manipulation and Query functions are used to see how SQL organizes and manipulates complex data models.

Weekly Outline

Week Topic Reading Assignments
Database Concepts
March 28 Basic SQL Chapter 5
April 4 Database Structures Chapter 6 Project 1 
Quiz 1
April 11 Database Design & Modeling Chapter 4 Project 2  Quiz 2
April 18 Advanced Querying Chapter 7 Project 3
Quiz 3
April 25 Midterm Midterm exam
May 2 Web Database Access & PHP Chapter 13-14 Project 4
Quiz 4
May 9 Web Database Applications Chapter 15
May 16 Web Database Analytic System Chapter 8 Project 5
Final exam 


Software Requirements

You need to have a webserver host account that includes FTP access, Apache webserver, PHP, MySQL and the Zend framework.  Santa Rosa Junior College offers free Linux-based webserver account – apply for an account here. If you already have an SRJC Linux account, you may need to install MySQL . Here is more information about your account.

In addition, we will be using the free version of MySQL Workbench to develop our database, please download and install it.   It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Required Textbook 

Learning MySQL by Seyed M.M. (Saied) Tahaghoghi & Hugh Williams | ISBN-13: 978-0596008642 O'Reilly Media

Learning MySQL by Seyed M.M. (Saied) Tahaghoghi & Hugh Williams | ISBN-13: 978-0596008642 O’Reilly Media

Your final grade will be based on the following:

Assignment Number Points
Projects 5 50
Quizzes 4 20
Midterm 10
Final 20
Total 100
  • 91% -100% = A
  • 81% -9 0% = B
  • 71% – 80% = C
  • 65% – 70% = D
  • <65 = F

Class Schedule

Date Class Begins: 1/20/2011
Date Class Ends: 5/22/2011
Last Day Add w/o add code: 3/30/2011
Last Day Add with add code: 4/8/2011
Last Day to Drop and be eligible for refund: 4/2/2011
Last Day for P/NP option: 4/13/2011
Last Day Drop w/o W: 4/8/2011
Last Day Drop with W: 5/8/2011

Tests and Quizzes

There will be four online quizzes throughout the course and an online midterm and final exam. The material comes from the class textbook  and supplemental materials such as published class notes or blogs. If any exam is missed, a zero will be recorded as the score. It is your responsibility to take the online exams by the due date.


You must submit five complete projects throughout the semester.

There are five project tutorials assigned throughout the semester and your projewillcts  be based on these examples or on others as pre-approved by the instructor.

Late Projects

Projects are late if not submitted by Sunday at midnight following the class that the assignment is due. Late assignments can be submitted (or resubmitted with instructors consent) for 83.3% credit up to one week after the due date. Any assignments turned in more than two week late will receive no credit.

Credit-No Credit

You may take this class credit/no-credit. You must decide before the fifth class and file the appropriate form with Admissions and Records. You must complete the midterm and final quizzes and projects to receive class credit.

Dropping the Class

If you decide to discontinue this course, it is your responsibility to officially drop it to avoid getting no refund (after 10% of course length), a W symbol (after 20%), or a grade (after 60%). Also, for several consecutive, unexplained absences, the instructor may drop a student.  See the schedule on this page for deadlines specific to this class.

Standards of Conduct

Students shall conduct themselves in a manner that reflects their awareness of common standards of decency and the rights of others. Interference with SRJC’s educational objectives is a cause for disciplinary action. All members of the college community are expected to refrain from such interference, including the following types of conduct:

  • Disruption of teaching
  • Dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism
  • Physical or verbal abuse
  • Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct

Email Etiquette

Here is a list of some basic guidelines for using the class forum or emailing directly to the instructor or a classmate:

  • Email can easily be misinterpreted; be brief, polite, never send email when angry.
  • Always include a pertinent subject title for the message.
  • Capitalize words only to highlight an important point or to distinguish a title or heading. Capitalizing whole words is termed as SHOUTING!
  • It is rude to forward personal email without the author’s permission

Special Needs

Students with disabilities who believe they need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact SRJC Disability Resources (527-4278), Analy Village – C, as soon as possible to better ensure such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.

10 comments for “SQL

  1. March 3, 2011 at 3:27 pm

    Hello Jay Peretz!
    Thanks for this page. I have a student server web account already set up, and it was used last semester for my php programming class. It has mysql, and php installed. I also took the Access class last semester. I am looking forward to the SQL class!

    Best wishes,

    Don Ensley

  2. March 4, 2011 at 10:29 am

    Hi. My name is Don Ensley. I am coming to this class in the last semester of my training as a web programmer. I am also taking Java programming, and the business of web development classes.

  3. Michael Anders
    March 17, 2011 at 7:10 am

    Hi Jay,

    I’m currently enrolled in your SQL class. I’m reading thru the text and I’ve downloaded the XAMPP as recommended. As for the software needed for the class whats on the page plus the XAMPP will cover it?

    I just want to make sure I have the right software.

  4. March 17, 2011 at 7:52 am

    Hi Michael. Actually you do not need to install the server software (XAMPP, WAMP, MAMP, etc.) I suggest that you get a server account on student.santarosa.edu and use the MySQL services through that account.

  5. Pla
    April 8, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    For week of April 4, what and where is the project and quiz? I do not see any link in the weekly outline section and I want to start on it.

    Let me know.


  6. April 9, 2011 at 9:13 am

    Pla – I added links to the pages for each topic. You can also access them through a submenu on any of the blog pages under SRJC Classes -> SQL.

  7. Pla
    April 14, 2011 at 10:06 am


    I think your weekly outline is behind by one week:
    For example: April 18 has link to April 11 homework and April 11 has the link to April 4 home work. I only did 1 quiz and it looks like I missed two quizes. Is the Quiz on April 11 for April 18? I do not want to click on it because I have not done April 18 homework.

    • April 14, 2011 at 10:33 am

      Pla – sorry for the confusion. We are ahead in the TOPICS, but on schedule regarding the assignments, so this week we are studying Database Design & Modeling, and we are working on Project 2 and Quiz 2.

  8. Francesca Rohr
    April 15, 2011 at 8:57 pm

    Hi Jay,

    I have created my EER model for the database and am using the forward engineer wizard to create theSQL script to make it real. However, it asks me to connect to a DBMS and the only one we are connected to at the moment doesn’t allow us to create new schemas. Do we need to connect to another one, this time using the Read&Write user name and password? If so it is SRJC_MySQL_Read&Write? Or is there something I am missing here?

  9. April 16, 2011 at 11:43 am

    I posted a tutorial that will step you through the process…


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