Dreamweaver | Lecture Notes 4-21-2011

Complex Form Processing download the lesson08 files Examining the POST[] array Setting default Radio Group value with checked=”checked” Set multiselect select name values to arrays Handling mulitselect values to PHP Resetting Passwords examine the process – pg 288 Create a…

Relational Databases and SQL Joins

A student asks “I don’t really yet understand Joins, just figured it out using the example in the text book.  Joins are fascinating and I look forward to better understanding them as I use them at work in a ‘trial…

Introduction to the Zend Framework

“Extending the art & spirit of PHP,  Zend Framework is based on simplicity and object-oriented best practices and … is focused on building more secure, reliable, and modern Web 2.0 applications & web services.”     – In this…