Dreamweaver Test Servers
Many of the features in Dreamweaver CS5 that we rely on in this class, such as Live View, require a properly set up test server. Several students seem to have recurring problems with their test server setup, so this post is intended to help. It really is quite simple and should NOT need to be changed once it is set up correctly.
Most problems are in Root Directory or Web URL. They are in fact references to the same location, Root Directory tells Dreamweaver where the homepage of your site resides on the file system of the FTP login user. Web URL points to the same folder from an internet address. You can’t see it in this screen shot, but the value is http://student.santarosa.edu/~jperetz/advdw/. The SRJC server setup automatically maps the home directory of your FTP login account to a web address on student.santarosa.edu followed by a tilde and your user name.
One last thing to check, is that Testing Server is checked on the server object. This is what enables the Dreamweaver site to use the server features such as Live View.
Please post a comment here if you are still confused about or having problems with the Test Server setup in Dreamweaver.
Hi Jay – my dreamweaver connection is now working.
Lesson 6 add_user.php does not include an insert for “username” – is this a typo?
$insertSQL = sprintf(“INSERT INTO users (first_name, family_name, password) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)”,
GetSQLValueString($_POST['first_name'], “text”),
GetSQLValueString($_POST['surname'], “text”),
GetSQLValueString($_POST['password'], “text”));
Hi Tom – I used the /start/ files so there was no PHP, but in the /completed/ folder in my copy username was in the code. userid should not be in the PHP code, it is assigned by MySQL when the row is inserted because we designed the userid column as an Auto-Increment.
I modified it to read:
$insertSQL = sprintf(“INSERT INTO users (first_name, family_name, username, password) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)”,
GetSQLValueString($_POST['first_name'], “text”),
GetSQLValueString($_POST['surname'], “text”),
GetSQLValueString($_POST['username'], “text”),
GetSQLValueString($_POST['password'], “text”));
ok I see – I must have missed the field name when I was setting up the Insert Server Behavior.
Tom – Inserting the Insert Record server behavior will automatically link the form elements to identically named database columns – if the name attribute varies at all from the column name, it won’t match them automatically but you can do so manually in a form prior to inserting the PHP. Or as you discovered, you can easily change the PHP code.