Weekly Recap for January 20

Lecture Notes

  • Introductions
  • Course overview
  • Logistics
  • Setting up a SRJC webserver
  • Setting up a Dreamweaver Site
  • Setting up a MySQL database
  • A first look at php

Assignments | Due January 30, 2011

  • Read Chapters 1 & 2 of Training from the Source
  • Update to Dreamweaver CS5 version 11.0.3 for the HTML5 features
  • Create a Dreamweaver Site Definition that includes a PHP/MySQL Testing Server, export the definition to a STE file and email that file to me as an attachment.
  • In DW, go to File -> New and create a new php file with the HTML5 2 or 3 column automatic layout and an external style sheet.  Save the file with the name index.php.  (this tutorial by David Powers explores the new HTML5 features in more detail )
  • Design and add content to index.php in Dreamweaver CS5 using  HTML/CSS.   Include a photograph of yourself and a paragraph or two about yourself and your thoughts and experiences in web design.   Add a list titled Objectives with at least three specific skills that you hope to master in the class.  Send me an email with the URL of this page.

15 comments for “Weekly Recap for January 20

  1. Mark Alarie
    January 21, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    This is great. I like having class information in one place.

  2. January 22, 2011 at 4:24 pm

    Note the update to this post – the assignments are due Sunday, January 30

  3. Mark Alarie
    January 22, 2011 at 7:54 pm


    Do you want our .STE file complete with login, passwords, etc. or without?

  4. January 23, 2011 at 9:14 am

    Yes, please use the top choice to save your login and password when you export the Site Definition. It will allow me log in to your server account, but it obscures the password so I can’t see it.

  5. Gregory Smith
    January 23, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    For some reason, I’m unable to install the updates for the HTML5 templates you’re looking to use. I am able to select HTML5 as the doctype, but no templates. Any suggestions?

    • jayperetz
      January 23, 2011 at 6:35 pm

      I’m not sure why you’re having problems. There is some discussion about installing the 11.0.3 updater on Adobe’s support forum. It is not a problem if you create your page in another template for now.

  6. David Hauser
    January 29, 2011 at 1:11 pm

    I am unable to connect to the student server – NEED HELP!
    Here is the following information that I am using to connect

    Server Name: SRJC Remote Server
    Connect Using: FTP
    FTP address: student.santarosa.edu Port: 21
    User name: dhauser
    Password: xxxxxxx
    Root Direectory: /home/WWW_pages/dhauser/AdvancedDW/
    Web URL: http://student.santarosa.edu/~dhauser/AdvancedDW/

    What am I doing wrong?!!

  7. David Hauser
    January 29, 2011 at 1:49 pm

    I figured it out – for whatever reason my password was not entering properly, even though I used the shift key to capitalize the first two letters and then entered the proper SSN; I copied and pasted my password and also I changed the root directory to public_html. That made the difference! The site is now connected. Whew!

  8. January 29, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    I misplaced the syllabus and I’m not sure if I am emailing homework to the correct email address. Is the ‘jperetz@santarosa.edu’ the correct place to send the homework file (.ste)?

  9. Mark Alarie
    January 30, 2011 at 10:31 pm


    That’s where I sent mine and it worked.


  10. Mark Alarie
    January 31, 2011 at 8:02 am


    I clicked the link to your site. It looks great to me. Were you able to get signed on to the server after all? I can’t see anything either.

    Mark Alarie

  11. Mark Alarie
    February 6, 2011 at 1:01 pm

    Stepping back a couple weeks,

    This is not a huge problem but, I can’t get the time.php example from chapter One to work and I have no idea why
    After uploading, the page in the browser simply says:
    The time in London is
    All the other examples do far have done just fine.

    • admin
      February 6, 2011 at 1:23 pm

      I think that this is one of those cases where the PHP version on our server doesn’t support some of the functions in the example. I got it to work by simplifying the code quite a bit. This code only works if it is run on a server in PDT.

      The time in London is < ?php echo gmdate("F j, Y, g:i a") ?>

      In Los Angeles, it's < ?php echo date("F j, Y, g:i a") ?>

  12. Mark Alarie
    February 6, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Yep! I figured something like that, but didn’t know enough to fix it.

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